Meet Lotta Pedal. Adventurous, curious, stylish . . . Lotta Pedal puts a new spin on girl power with her humble yet inspiring attitude, as she learns more about herself and the world around her . . . finding creative ways to help protect and love the planet just a little bit more.

Vanessa Cudmore - Author

Vanessa’s fondest childhood memories kick-started her thirst for adventure. Born and raised in Toronto ON Canada, she is a graduate of Queen’s University in Film Studies. Her desire for storytelling led her to a successful career in advertising.

Spending her time now in California, you’ll most likely find her riding her favorite mountain bike trails, photographing wildlife, finding forever homes for rescue kitties or cruising down the coastal highways.

Her passion and respect for the outdoors is something she wishes to share with all her readers; to inspire them to get outside, explore their own worlds and the beauty of the natural environment. Vanessa is thrilled to introduce Lotta Pedal, and excited to have everyone join along.

Lotta Pedal, Antonio Caparo, Illustrator

Antonio Caparo - Illustrator

Antonio Javier Caparo is an award-winning Illustrator, Concept Artist, pixel tamer, frequent time traveler, space-walking enthusiast, and full-time dreamer.

His illustrations regularly appear in magazines, Children’s and Young Reader’s books in the U.S., Europe, and South America. He also has a great passion for Animation and Comic Art and has worked in those mediums in the past. He lives in Montréal, Canada.